User Reviews For: Threads of Love [Plus Digital-Only Bonus]


I have to say that 8 tickets is a lot, but after taking the plunge and reading it, easily worth the 8 tickets for my collection! It's a very good read, I love stories that contain anthropomorphism like this one does.

Ok. That was really cute. And a bit sad. But seriously, the main characters are freaking adorable together. My only problem was that I felt it rushed in certain places and the characters kinda accepted things a bit too easily in my opinion. But it was still a cute read.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.It I was actually ok with it for the most part, but the ending seemed quick and jarring. I just felt that for such a story that the "I love you" and the relationship progression was too fast. I really did love the art and the characters. I want to give it a 3.5 out of 5, since 3 seems a bit harsh, but 4 seems a bit too good, but then I asked myself will I ever reread this, and the answer is most likely no.

This is such a great series! Super fun, cute, and exciting. You won't be disappointed.

I love this! It wasn't to smutty and I loved the storyline. I cant wait to read your other one about the teacher!

I typically don't like yaoi but I couldn't help liking these stories,they're just so well written.