User Reviews For: The Lion Man and the Geek Girl -My First Time Was with an Animal-


4.2 out of 5

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Raccoon Rating
Increasingly good for only six chapters! Really wish the professor could have gotten punched, but overall loved the manga.
AngonsD Rating
I love it! Cute.
Kylachilly Rating
Interesting read
Jaida Rating
Cute and funny in places, but somehow the ending just didn't land for me. The early chapters were better.
Miwako Rating
Love love love this manga, hope there will be a sequel.
TheElvesAreBack Rating
There was more unwanted fondling than consensual fondling and for me that's a no go. The ending was lack luster and the read could've been so much better.
LemonIceCream69 Rating
Cute art and characters, okay sex scenes, and is a decent read comparable to a oneshot manga. Overall, not enough substance for my taste, but it is an amusing and short entertaining read for those who like reading about unusual romance ideas. (the animals)
Hereforher Rating
The sections are way too short. I know the point is to have many chapters to get people to read more, but I could hardly get into the story before the chapter was over in a flash. It's a shame because I thought the idea could be interesting. I might get one more chapter, but it's nothing I'd recommend right now.
ebookrenta085nczfdf Rating
The series is super adorable. Definetely worth a read
Rentalover02 Rating
So romantic! You should read it!