User Reviews For: Realization from Transformation! Love Is a Battlefield!


I love this story! Such a great bromance turned romance! It's got two of my favorite manga themes: cross dressing and delinquents. My only complaint is that I wish there was more!

This was a really cute story. Exactly what i came for. I wish there was more to the story though. It was like one two thr- end!

It's sadly to fast paced for me, seems a little forced due to the fast pace. The art itself - it's very good, but also a tiny bit lacking, the 2ed chapter seems like it was done alot faster, as the faces and over all art changed alot from chapter 1. Over all it was good, just a tiny bit disappointing in parts is all.

Short and sweet, art style reminded me a bit of Junko or Yamamoto Kotetsuko. Cute, wholesome, would recommend.

Fun and heartwarming. The story is quite fast paced but it doesn't feel forced, and the characters are well developed despite how brief it is. In my opinion, the topic of cross-dressing is treated respectfully. This isn't normally my go-to genre because I find some tropes and stereotypes often associated with it to be troublesome, but those weren't present in this manga, which I genuinely enjoyed. Unexpectedly wholesome.

After reading this, I found I was just super happy for the two main characters. Live your dreams! Love your best friend! Hit people who deserve it!I'm subtracting a star because cross dressing wasn't treated with very much respect, although Daigo was given dignity and humour.