User Reviews For: Over-Cumming Writer's Block


I've read all three available volumes 4 times in the 24 hours that I've had them, it's that good. He's so grumpy and put-upon and she's so... almost aggressively straightforward yet so clueless. I love it. I love everything about it. I'm actually kind of dismayed the author doesn't have any other works available, and that I have to wait for additional volumes of this one!

Wow, this is just perfect. I love the couple, the second chapter is as good as the first, so I think the following will be too. Worth every penny! I'm rarely a re-reader, but i read the first chapter now three times i think. Its so funny, lovely and hot :) the guy is also a real tsundere, what i love.

I love this. The guy is such a gentlemen. Even though he wants to, he knows she only wants him to teach her and doesn't take any advantage of her. But I have it four stars because the female character is a little predictable and the male lead is the only one holding up this story.

I really enjoy this series. I just wish it would update sooner and not leave me on a cliff hanger. It's been months and I legit check every day to see if there's a new chapter update. Please please release something soon ????

I've read until chapter 14 and so far the art style is fantastic. The heat level for the sex is off the charts. The plot is simple but executed well and at a good pace. The characters are amusing too. My only gripe is that the main heroine's ignorance is gonna hurt a lot of people. Once her feelings get into play, she'd have to be a class A idiot or autistic to not have some degree of self awareness and empathy for others. This character flaw in a supposed writer of erotic romance (the heroine)?a book genre supposedly saturated with emotions?is hard to swallow. Ignorance and idiocy are different, so I hope the artist/author quickly differentiates the two as the plot and characters develop. Can't wait for the next chapter. It seems to be taking awhile.

Rio is so naive, it honestly hurts. She acts like she's 12 and doesn't know what's going on in the world and it gets really annoying. The art is nice, and I like the story premise. But Rio's character has almost no substance, she really can't do much and she's infatuated by a random man she lets hook up with her. She doesn't even write anymore so her character is dry to me.

I was loving this but now I'm getting tired of the female MCs stupidity, there are limits to things and how could someone her age not understand boundaries. I don't know if I care anymore out the outcome; this story is becoming a huge task to read.

Absolutely wonderful. Art is beautiful and the characters are both believable and humorous. Off to a great start all though updates are awfully slow coming.

I got Renta explicitly for this manga and I'm so glad I did! Ive read it all up to this point so far and I'm really looking forward to reading more when those parts are released!

SQUEEEE! The characters are adorable, and the story flows very well--lots of comedic moments mixed in with sensual ones. There were scenes that had me giggling out loud. XD I don't want to spoil anything, but I had a great time reading this manga and look forward to the next installment. Highly recommend. :)