User Reviews For: My Younger Boyfriend Is Being Unreasonable


I liked this manga. I thought there was a crazy twist at the end. I think the Main Character is a little bit of a pushover. But overall, I liked the art style and the dialogue.

I really really liked this story, it was well developed, and interesting, putting forward questions that needed answering. I was hooked right away and kept wanting to know more. I found it extremely sexy, like, chills; the MC's had real chemistry, and the pillow talk was super hot. I like the younger guy and the older girl scenario, especially here where it was done with finess. The art was so beautiful, this style is right up my ally. This is a great read, I so wish there was way more chapters!

I actually really loved this more than I was expecting to. Loved both of the characters, their relationship, and the storyline. I just wish there were more volumes!!

I agree with the other comments that the ending it too quick! It was a very cute manga though.

Enjoyable read. Developed characters, decent plot, & decadent smut. Ending was a bit abrupt & not a fan of intense jealousy. Overall a good read that will likely be reread