User Reviews For: I Turned into a Girl and Turned on All the Knights! -I Need to Have Sex to Turn Back!-


This series is so good. I absolutely love how the love triangle is done, and how it portrays the desires and wants and love of each person in the triangle as just as valid and true as the next. It's so cute.

I love this series but there should be a warning for chapter 15, I had my misgivings about Viselle but I didn't expect him to turn into such a sicko.... Nor the story to get so dark. Hanging in there hoping this is a plot point to develop the story further.

So usually going onto MangaRenta! is last resort and a quick cheap read... But somehow you have managed to create a story around it, and I am LIVING for it... Please continue tk make great works!

This is one of the most amazing hentais I have ever found, if you took out the smut (which is amazing by the way) you'd still have an amazing and captivating story which hooked me in! I know not everyone is looking for story in their smut mangas, but if you do this is a must have piece! The art is great and the characters are so lively they might aswell be animated.

The story is interresting and cute. I really like that it seems as if sir lloyd is actually interrested in Alto Even before he turns i to a girl. I'm really looking forward to read the rst of the manga.

I love this series! It's very well drawn, the pace is great and the plot keeps you hooked! It's also a perfect series for those who like both f/m and m/m. 10/10!