User Reviews For: [Bundle] Rekindled love Selection


Not gonna lie, this was pretty bad. The 1st one, His Private Mistress, was the best, but even that one left me a little unsatisfied. If there's one thing to take away from these stories, it's that love alone is not enough to build a relationship on. All 3 couples were deeply in love the whole time, but a lack of trust (and proper communication) tore them apart and kept them apart until they could resolve their issues (or whatever the authors and/or artists consider passes for "resolving issues"). Some really good ideas here, but the execution was varying degrees of poor in each story. It didn't help that the men were always 100% to blame and the women took them back WAY too quickly and easily, and put up with way, waaayy too much of the men's bs. Ladies and gentlemen, if your S.O. ever treats you like the guys do in these stories, just. Walk. Away. Have some self respect.