User Reviews For: Nipple Bingo -Kishiwada, A Guy with Very Sensitive Nipples-


Hilarious and ridiculous in the best way. The seme Ando is drawn a little differently at first but gets better looking after a few chapters.

The name is silly but the art is really nice and cute. The name made me hesitate to read it but PLEASE READ IT, DON'T BE LIKE THE ME FROM BEFORE!!! IT'S SO CUTE and I love these two boys with all my heart YwY

The title had me in stitches at first, but this is a really sexy, surprisingly cute and romantic story. Beautiful characters, great artwork... My new favourite, 100%

I've been wanting to read this for a while ever since I first saw the title and the cover and boy was I not disappointed. This unique story about a delinquent with a nipple problem and his childhood friend is seriously cute as heck and now I think I'm hooked! I don't wanna say to much and spoil the story so definitely check it out for yourself if your interested