User Reviews For: Taken for Revenge, Bedded for Pleasure


Surprisingly deep and complex with many mature themes and twists and turns, I was on the edge of my seat for most of the story. While the main theme of revenge vs love is simple, there's much more to the plot and characters than you'd first assume and I was constantly being surprised the more I learned. Olivier is as I expected, a man consumed by the desire to avenge his grandfather then losing that hate as he fell in love, but Bella is more complicated than she seems and someone I couldn't help but sympathize. The full truth of what happened 50 years ago is a mystery that's revealed little by little over time and I was genuinely intrigued by it. With so many themes and plot points to explore, the romance isn't as well developed as I'd have liked, but it's serviceable enough. I just wish the leads had more time to interact with each other to make their love more believable. Still, this is a really interesting story that kept me hooked much more than I thought it would.