User Reviews For: His Royal Love-Child Royal Brides II


Good grief where do I even begin? Danette has a secret relationship with Prince Marcello but after having it shoved in her face how much he doesn't want to make their relationship public, she naturally believes he's only interested in sex. His response? Tell her she's beautiful and seduce her back to his bed. She's too weak-willed to refuse and ends up upset at herself as much as she is at him. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum, with constant mentions of how he's still in love with his late wife. Add in the obvious clich辿 pregnancy for extra angst and to finally move the story along. Bonus of Marcello's mother to finally point out the bleeding obvious: there is no curse, the king made it all up to justify his compulsive cheating. And there you have this story. There isn't even a proper ending, no resolution, no satisfying conclusion, nothing's really been resolved, nothing even seems to have truly changed. It just ends and my exact thoughts were "wait, was that it?!" Yes. That was it. F*k.