User Reviews For: Sweetheart Trigger


Nice art and consensual relations make this a good read. However, the mental instability of the MC and along with the whole gun thing brought down my ability to fully enjoy this as much as I would've liked.If you have any triggers related to guns, suicide, or threats of homicide by gun, I recommend to not read this. Other than that, it's a decent read with more than a fair share of consensual smut and relationship drama.

This was great! I really hate seeing the reviews about this being a poor portrayal of mental illness. Because a LOT of people suffer from mental or emotional issues and DON'T get professional help or are unable to do so. Everyone deals differently with emotional trauma, social anxiety, depression and the list goes on. I'm sure there will be more to come but if not this was a snippet in the life of these 2 imperfect characters.Also It's just a story, they are young, VERY young. Do you know how much it takes to ask for help or to even recognize that you need it? It can be almost impossible, plus they are experiencing strong feelings for each other which can complicate things even more. Could their relationship be considered dysfunctional? Yes, of course but even people with mental illnesses or extreme personality disorders experience love and desire same as everyone else. Anyway judge for yourself. Be aware of the title this is a TRIGGER WARNING story.

I wish I had read the reviews first. As other reviewers have noted, this manga deals with mental instability and domestic violence, and it does it very poorly. The plot development in later arcs falls flat and there's a heavy reliance on smut to fix the holes in the storyline. I was really excited for the happy-go-lucky slice-of-life gay relationship that the description suggested, and the first chapter felt like that description would be delivered on. Having ready the entire series, I regret purchasing this title. It is not a happy-go-lucky slice-of-life. It's an underwhelming tragedy.

This is a great manga!!! The art is awesome, the story is great, the characters are funny. It's very unique as well. So happy it's on here.

I will say take a pinch of salt from the 1-star review. However, you need to read this first series and then continue to the 2nd and 3rd series of this title. Yes the MC may be unstable emotionally and mentally but this just portrays another type of character in the MC that shows his insecurity about being able to date his first crush, thinking he is not good enough for him, and of course suicidal intentions. I actually enjoyed reading the story it is not your regular fluffy kind of story but to see actually how both side MC has their own kind of insecurity

This was definitely a sexy story with a lot of angst. Those are things I usually like, but it made this plot feel kind of unrelatable and unbelievable. It would have been nice if there had been some actual character and relationship development more than sex and arguing.

The art is beautiful and I enjoyed the story but I didn't like the parts with the gun it ruined it a little for me

I mean I have to say I'm super concerned about this uke. Like if you're threatening bae with a gun you need to see a psychiatrist. I loved the artwork and sexy seme but uke pls seek help.

Really f'd up and complicated emotions in this story. Hilarious and each twist made me want to read more. The characters are so expressive too. Loved it!

Definitely not the typical BL storyline. Got some mature themes but if you're looking to read something different give it a try?? one of my faves!