User Reviews For: Claiming King's Baby


Wow! I really liked this one. What a roller coaster of emotions. My gawd Justice was one stubborn stubborn man! His pride was almost his undoing. For over a year he is separated from his wife who he loves more than anything else in the world, but kept his secret and fear of being considered less than a "man" to ever tell her the truth. Maggie loves him with all her heart and that means everything, even his stubborn pride. Marriage is for better or worse folks! When he finds out she has a son, he is gutted. How could she be with another man? I'm guessing he hasn't been with anyone else since their split, hoping so. But little does he know that is his baby boy and Maggie is still his. I loved baby Jonas, such a cutie! Both were great characters and they both had so much passion for each other, wow!! It takes a lot of determination to love a stubborn man and Maggie is strong and a bit pigheaded herself. They were so made for each other. Loved that justice finally saw the error of his ways