User Reviews For: Those Eyes Should Be Illegal!!!


I love this manga! The best moment was when seme said that he didn't use hypnosis every time. And now I'm re-reading this manga to know when he did and when not.

One of my favorites on the site, but updates are very few and far between. Might be best to wait for this one to finish up before renting.

I am interested from the first chapter alone. My only thing is that Mr. Protagonist should have a few questions for himself. Considering how hypnotism can't force anyone to do something they truly don't want to do, he should probably be having a question of identity right about now. Still, I love how the chapter establishes tension and plot so easily. Unlike a lot of the manga I read, this one doesn't rely on an info dump to kick-start the story. Definitely going to keep reading.

Poor soul. Pfft... I don't even have the words to describe how bad I felt for Akira in the first chapter alone.