User Reviews For: The Ultimate Seduction The 21st Century Gentleman's Club II


Wow! They definitely felt the heat and desire quickly! Lol! Tiff was a shell of her former self, but was still a fighter, just needed someone to believe in her and push her limits again, not be coddled. And Ryzard did just that! Loved how she regained her confidence again and how she ended things because she knew she deserved more than what he could give her. But she goes back to him so quickly, it was like what's the point? Oh well! They were meant to be. Ryzard seemed very mysterious, even when we get his backstory I still was unsure of his motives, could just be the translation? He did seem taken with her. His head was elsewhere with his country's well being, but I wanted him to fight more for her. Pretty good story and nice HEA. Art is super pretty.