User Reviews For: Not Just the Boss's Plaything


Two people with dark and troubled pasts find salvation in each other. Alicia used to be a party girl as a teenager but when she come home drunk one night 8 years ago, her married neighbour took advantage of her when she was in no condition to resist. Her dad blamed her and she's been ashamed of herself ever since. Nikolai suffered a brutal and violent childhood at the hands of his abusive uncle, and now views everyone as his enemy, trying to control everyone and everything with rules and coercion. He's so inept at talking to people like a normal person it's actually kinda funny; Alicia certainly thinks so and her laughter (at him) is what drew him to her. I like how rebellious Alicia is, she doesn't give into Nikolai's harassment (there's no other way to call it) until after he's comforted her and assured her that what happened to her isn't her fault, something she desperately needed to hear. They both need each other and their love feels genuine and earned. Very cathartic.