User Reviews For: The Wedding Charade


Jade is incredibly expressive and the real star of the story. She has severe dyslexia and can't read, stopping her from doing and enjoying so much, and she's further isolated by the loss of her mother, brother and Nic's father, the only people who ever supported her, since everyone else, especially the media, are so determined to believe the worst of her. It's heartbreaking seeing her try so hard to cope with living with and hiding such a debilitating condition and ignoring all the nasty rumours about her and how poorly she's viewed and treated, even by those she cares about most. She's genuinely shocked whenever anyone is kind to her and even cries every time Nic is nice or considerate towards her. Of course, Nic has his own issues he struggles with and isn't nearly as mean to her as Jade thinks, but I still find it hard to see what made Jade fall for him at 16. That's the problem with having two people fall in love before the story begins. Still, the romance feels genuine enough.