User Reviews For: The Duke's Proposal


Gorgeous art, but awkward dialogue and story. Nothing really seemed to fit together.

An enjoyable read with a nice blend of humour and serious issues, an interesting plot and likable characters. JJ is a nice mix of fragile and tough, she's been through a heckuva lot but still acts brave and spunky, she's no easy woman. Niall is quite the dashing rogue, he's very savvy but has a few funny moments of stupidity. My only problem is that there's too much going on! There's JJ's stalker issue, her job problems, her sister's wedding, Niall's true status (which the title spoils), his real job, his unrequited love for his childhood friend, JJ's heartbreak over this etc. on top of Niall's pursuit of JJ and their developing relationship. A few of these plot points could and should have been cut out since they don't add anything and only serve to make the pacing feel even more rushed than usual for a Hq, and make the plot feel bloated. But despite how overstuffed the story is, I'm still glad I rented it.