User Reviews For: Banished to the Harem


Prince Rakhal, a playboy who'll soon have to get married, is instantly captivated by Natasha, a beautiful woman who's headstrong and fiercely independent, she's the only woman to ever order him around and defy him. When he's finally managed to seduce her, he realises the next day that he didn't use protection and so she might be pregnant, so he tricks her into going to his country to marry her should that be true. I love how feisty Natasha is, she's furious about being kidnapped and tries to escape, then when she finds out about the harem she immediately demands Rakhal promise her he won't sleep with anyone but her (a real problem for him since tradition dictates he's not allowed to touch her while she's pregnant). And bless him he actually keeps his promise, even when he believes she's left him! Now that's love. And the girls of the harem aren't what they seem either, they're all really sweet and very grateful to Rakhal. Both leads are so likable and deserve each other. Loved this!