User Reviews For: Life Ain't So Bad [Plus Digital-Only Bonus]


A great read but was left slightly unfulfilled by the younger guy not really getting top time.

I really liked it overall! The main couple is suuuuuuper duper cute and charming and the art is pretty nice. I love their personalities and though they aren't full Switch it's still there which is great imo. The smut for them was very satisfying! Good dialogue and chemistry, and they're clearly enamored. Another user mentioned it already but I'll reiterate there is brief non-con towards the end involving one half of the main couple due to story circumstances. You'll be able to tell when it's about to happen and it's like three-ish pages. Still, I think the meat of the story makes it worth a buy!

This manga was kind of surprising and I got to say that it took me few pages to find those two funny, lovable and cute like hell ! The storyline is quite simple but it definitely works especially if you like adorable and funny characters. So at the end, I more than recommend this book.

Love this story! Definitely one of my top 5 favorites! I wish it would be published in print too because i would buy it in a heartbeat!!

Very cute!The fact that the characters are not limited by a role makes them more realistic, you can't help but getting fond of them. Sometimes you just want to see your partner, laugh things off and enjoy life as it comes, it's part of being human!

I didn't really get on with this one, it was a bit too goofy and the characters got on my nerves a bit. The story was okay but I just couldn't get on with the art and goofy-ness of it all, but that's just my personal opinion!

God I can't even put into words how much I hated this. Of course the uke is the shorter, cuter, always crying guy. Stereotypical. Anyone surprised? Certainly not me. If you want to do that, fine. Just don't bait us with switching up the roles like a dozen times only for the uke-turned-seme to give up last second and have the roles return to how they were before. Even in the final chapter you baited us by having the uke's friend tell him to satisfy his partner and since the seme has always uked you'd expect the uke to top for once. Nope! Premature ejaculation right before the uke can stick it in, and the uke is the bottom again >:(

Absolutely loved this! The relationship between the two is awesome and I loved how it built up over time.

This was the cutest, most wholesome, and funny story ever. Mitsuhiko and Sousuke were adorable. I loved their relationship so much and couldn't help laughing at how silly they both were.

This was hands down the best thing I've read in a while. The characters are so amazingly well written, the dialogue is hilarious and sweet, and the sex is hot. Perfect read, beginning to end.