User Reviews For: Bee-Sting Babe and the Gorgeous Guy


I realize the title talks about the chest but Iori does focus on her dissatisfaction with her chest a little too much at times. That being said the characters are beautifully drawn and as a small chested woman this story feels relatable when so many other manga are pumping watermelons on unrealistic bodies. I like the dynamic characters and the development over time - great story and I can't wait for more. (I do hope the love triangle thing goes away though - just a personal peeve of mine)

The story is pretty good and the art is beautiful, with some nice silly moments. The female main character struggles with femininity and it is nice to see her growing more comfortable with herself and overcoming her body complex. My only two complaints are that the story tends to kinda skip from time-to-time, a little too fast paced in some areas, or things are too sudden too soon. My other complaint is that although the female character has a complex, she eventually moves on and grows more confident with herself. So I grow tired with the smut scenes focusing heavily on her breasts. But all-in-all if is a nice story.

Interesting read will continue reading. Like the heroine character she's adorable

Beautiful story with a great message. This really sucks you in and you care about the characters. Everyone can relate to having a body hang up and being self conscious or not feeling good enough. The art is great and the sex scenes were super hot and romantic. This has everything you could ever want.

The drawings are beautiful and the characters are all extremely likable. Will definitely keep up with this one for every chapter release.

Its such a cute manga. I love when there is tomboys in the mix to go love cray boys.