User Reviews For: Who Are You?


What did I just read? I can't really describe this, but imma gonna try. This is definitely an unusual situation. We have two college students who live next door, one being a total playboy who can't say no to women (not very fond of weak willed men) and a "normal" girl next door. She likes their everyday routine of sharing movies and dinner, and even though he never puts the moves on her and continues going from woman to woman, she's cool with it. Until his childhood friend rocks their delicate foundation. What ensues when this feisty high school girl appears is interesting to say the least. The dynamics between all three is one of like a close-knit family. And how the two leads finally become a couple is also unusual, but I have to admit I didn't mind. Art is pretty. I will re-read this again and hope Noriko gets her own HEA too.