User Reviews For: Taira the Bully


Decent plots overall with some really nice art. First story was entertaining, but I did enjoy the second story a bit more!Hopefully there'll be some kind of follow-up with Tomoyuki and the guy from the host club! They were the most intriguing pair and they weren't even officially a pair. Definitely worth a rent tho!

It's cliche but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. The characters are cute, art is nice, and I really liked the story. It was worth the tickets ~As for the second story, Tomoyuki

The first story is a fairly typical bully-victim reunion/revenge scheme scenario, however the characters are cute in their own way and the art is gorgeous. So if you like that kind of story then I'd recommend this. The second story has a somewhat disappointing conclusion but there's a glimmer of hope for the guy on the horizon elsewhere. I hope he finds happiness.