User Reviews For: Dream Demon -Come Give Me Your Sweet Nectar-


Loving this! There isn't really a story here or least noteworthy, but it's entertaining, that's for sure. There is zero logic to this manga. One moment it's the h in her flower shop thinking about her boss and how awkward she is and then bam! Hot guy in her room and let the smexy times roll! It's the perfect daydream scenario. It's super easy to fall for this, because I'm pretty sure we've all had a naughty daydream or hundreds when we've gotten bored at work. I'm kinda curious now about how she "called" out to this entity (is he like an incubus?). It's like fantasy overload and it's great! Art is ok, not my favorite. Very reminiscent of what's used for popular anime. Super short chapter, but now I want to see what all of her fantasies are since he seems determined to give them to her. What a nice guy! Looking forward to the next chapter.

Very mediocre. For a manga with no discernible plot that focuses primarily on the sex scenes, there is no build up. The average retro shoujo art does not lend it any favors either. Chapters are also impossibly short.