User Reviews For: The Unmarried Bride


I about died reading this, it's just the perfect blend of feelgood and funny. If you're looking for a serious, love-centric story, then this isn't for you. This manga is exploding with charm, humour, interesting and likeable characters, a good pace and a well developed plot, it's a ton of fun to read and highly entertaining from start to finish, I never knew what to expect! The leads are wonderful and click so well together, they both have strong, fleshed out (and opposing!) personalities and there's never a dull moment when they're together. The kid is the best Hq child I've ever seen; while those of his trope very rarely have any personality trait beyond "cute", he's just as well developed and interesting as the leads and is just as much a main character as them. The great-aunt is also a surprising dark horse; after barely a mention at the start, she suddenly appears later on and bulldozes her way through the plot! The romance isn't the focus but it's still there and it's very sweet.