User Reviews For: Passion's Mistress


Very typical story with no surprises or clever twists. Guy marries girl (Why? Who knows), guy is always busy with work and spends more time with clingy other woman, guy does nothing to comfort or reassure girl when she asks about possible affair (he just expects complete obedience and compliance), girl leaves guy then later discovers she's pregnant etc etc. Do I believe the guy truly loves her and is committed to her? No. Do I believe he genuinely regrets his past actions and attitude, and is honestly willing to change his ways? Hell no. "Sorry" just isn't going to cut it, she's his wife, not his servant, yet he's never treated her with the respect and devotion she deserves, nor has he truly shown any real commitment to his marriage. The stars I give are entirely for the girl, who has a few badass moments, and the nice art.