User Reviews For: Drowning in Your Love [Plus Renta!-Only Bonus]


I really liked the first story of these two. Although the sequel is a great way of catching up to these two, it definitely felt different to me. There was some drama, Mizuki feeling insecure about how Atsushi being in a same sex relationship and being committed to only him. A lot of growing up in this story. I liked it, just didn't like it as much as the first.

It was a nice sequel, but I'm a bit unsatisfied with how the drama resolved. Mizuki is very insecure about their relationship because of his past failures, and because Atsushi used to be straight, which I understand, but it was sad seeing Atsushi feel like eveything was his fault. It was very nice to see them both grow as a person and move on from their pasts, but what left me unsatisfied was that Mizuki never took a lot of action. He was always very passive about their problems and it was always Atsushi going after him to solve them properly. Even by the end we never get to see Mizuki being fully honest and telling Atsushi that he loves him, which he did, but never communicated properly. I don't know lol I always get hung up on these details, but they are important to me. It would have been a lot better for me if Mizuki had been more active about holding on to Atsushi and reassuring him of their love.

It was a good read, good to pass the time. I liked knowing how both MC felt and thought about each other.

This was a good sequel. The coach got on my nerves with him popping back up, but I was glad Misaki handled it the way he did. Definitely recommend