User Reviews For: Starting a Family with My Silly Omega


4.6 out of 5

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AmotoTaboshi Rating
I'm on the third chapter so far and this story is way super cute! I love the main couple so much, they're adorable together! The art is really great and the panels are easily to read. A great addition to the omegaverse!
sask23 Rating
The plot is very simple, but that makes it so much fun! Haru is the most adorable Omega ever, one of the few characters in all the yaoi I have read that I just want to squeeze. Definitely word reading and re-reading. I only wish it was longer so I could see more of their relationship, like past high school.
Kitty55472745 Rating
The couple is cute but this was a little boring. No angsts to speak of and the couple was pretty much in love with each from the beginning. The good friend is funny and I would have liked to have seen him with his own omega. The art and smut is well done.
dianalim Rating
Awwww! Best manga!
RelativeAwareness Rating
Definitely should read! I can't wait to read the next ones~!
AlexisS Rating
The only thing I can think to add would be an afterword for them. Other than that, it was a cute story
Gromit098 Rating
Great omega verse story. Plenty of smut and romance. Classic heat scenes. Really good
sweetmee231 Rating
Cutesy love
Ivynyx Rating
Very very nice. I adored how cute the omega was and yet he was still strong enough to hold its own in most fights . He could defend himself and kick ass !
YukiShirayuki Rating
I'm a sucker for the Omegaverse, so for others who also enjoy the genre: It's a good tipp.