User Reviews For: Nine Months to Redeem Him


The plot isn't too incredible, but where this story shines is its characters. The lead girl has managed to remain strong and kind despite the misery she's been put through all her life. She's no meek wallflower like so many others in this genre, she stands up for herself when others try to put her down, yet acknowledges her faults and tries to make up for her mistakes. She does get a bit too emotional later on, but considering her stressful circumstances and the fact she's heavily pregnant by that point (the title kinda gives that away), it's understandable. And that's my main praise for this story: everyone is relatable and fairly realistic. There are no "bad" people, only "people" who do bad things sometimes. The lead guy might come off as your typical cold, pushy rich jerk at first, but you soon get to see his hidden depths and his reasons for being the way he is. He makes mistakes, learns from them and tries to and be better. So I'd definitely recommend this story!