User Reviews For: Pleasure, Pregnancy and a Proposition


Rather formulaic and the two main leads are the ones who cause the problems they go through. The misunderstanding which led the female lead to reject the male lead after their one-night stand could have easily been resolved by them talking it out properly. Similarly, right when everyone is going perfectly for the two, the man has to ruin it, with only daddy issues as an excuse (and one which makes ZERO sense in context), and the woman (who btw has been basically a doormat the whole story, despite her frequent assertions that she won't let the guy have his way all the time) can only walk away, then, months later, listen to his sob story and take him back immediately. The only good part is after the preview, where the tone shifts to light-hearted comedy, and the two are hilariously childish. Everything after is downhill from there. Still, it's not terrible and you might find it an enjoyable enough timewaster.