User Reviews For: From Booty Call to Girlfriend


Very cute comic. Not much in terms of story line, felt very abrupt, but a sweet little erotica if you want something passionate. I'd recommend if you want consent, a bit of love, and sexy scenes ;)

Very short and also very sweet! I love Coda's work so much, their stories and art compliment eachother well <3

Meh. The characters are all right, but the MC falling in love with the male lead over one compliment when they rarely even speak feels forced. The male lead is nice. He considers himself a perv and talks kinda of crudely. But he's kind, and protective of the MC. He's also a little hung up over his age. Why do so many of these stories act like being in your 30s is so old? The life expectancy in Japan is higher than in the states. Anyway, he's also a fake megane. So, no star for the glasses. I lost interest in this pretty quickly, because the art didn't match the cover at all, the story feels a bit bland, and the racy scenes were boring to me. I didn't realize I'd read another work by this author until I read the other comments. If you've read their other work and you enjoyed the scenes in that one then you'll probably like this one. Story-wise this is better than the other one, but it still couldn't hold my interest.

Love it!! I love Coda's work!! The story seems really good on this one, can't wait to see what happens next!

I really enjoyed this, although I dare say it was just a bit rushed at the end! Still got a sweet ending for a great pair of characters so I'm content - the best stories always leave you wanting more I guess.

Finally, a nerdy girl who isn't just a cute girl in glasses. I love the characters and the way the casual sex was handled by the author. Absolute fav.

Its cute. Both are awkward in the relationship and she over thinks everything. I agree with another user that said the way they talk is annoying, I whole heartedly agree! It also feels like a dropped ending, but still a good read.