User Reviews For: The Wolf Prince's Prey


Hmmm pretty interesting. The beginning is not great. I don't like for guys to take advantage of girls not in the right mindset. He

At the moment, I'm giving it a low rating .... the premise of an older experienced man manipulating a young girl to fall in love so he can capture it - particularly given the first seduction is borderline non consensual because she is drunk ... doesn't sit well in the current #metoo climate. I'm sure it will turn around and he will end up becoming a genuine "prince" rather than pretending and taking her viginity ... but a naive young girl and a manipulative and bullying older man .... "prey" is spot on in the title

Yucky male protag. He treats women like they're disposable. As others have noted their first encounter was noncon which isn't rare in these stories, but it feels especially distasteful because her drink was spiked and he was supposed to be saving her from another would be molester. He's a bully, and appallingly obvious in faking his kindness to manipulate her. He's not like a tsundere or 'cool' guy who acts mean or feigns indifference but are shown to genuinely care when they let their walls down. Any turn around this guy has is gonna feel super contrived. If you dislike noncon, disingenuous d-bags, or womanizers you won't like this. The pacing is poor, the art is nice but nothing special, and the racy scenes feel rushed, so even if you don't mind the other stuff you still might not care for this.

He saved her only to take advantage, I'm not a fan of the male leads forceful nature; go ahead if you are. The female lead is childish and easily swayed which make this a little irritating to read but if your into the whole naive

Art is decent, plot line is somewhat standard. Really you are getting what you pay for as the description is accurate. I would of 4/5 star rated however there's definitely non consenting/dubious consent & the plot line could be stronger.. Plot is basically famous guy, regular girl what's secretly crushed on by others. Rival arrives.

The story progresses too fast and has almost zero character growth. I don't know how to describe it, other than flat. It's not the worst thing I've read though, and the art is still pretty.

I'd agree with the first couple of chapters involving somewhat non consensual sexual activity, however the rest of the series is really SWEET; the ML is changed by the FL's love. Even though the start to their relationship was rocky in terms of consent, we can't act like this is something that never happens (surely it should never occur) but people make decisions they wouldn't have otherwise made under the influence of alcohol. Anyways, I would still implore people to give this story a chance! It was definitely worth reading. Two different love triangles and the ups and downs of dating someone famous, I thought the author did a great job exploring a young woman's first love!