User Reviews For: The Marriage Possession


See kids, this is why communication is so important! The leads are both sweet and likeable people, who clearly love with each other, but their constant reluctance to talk to and be completely honest with each other leads to many misunderstandings. The girl is scared the guy will leave her if she tries to "shackle him with love", and she lets her own insecurities and a rival woman's poisonous lies and insults get her down. Meanwhile, the guy gets adorably huffy and pouty whenever his lady doesn't act jealous of all the women throwing themselves at him (despite him obviously despising them, especially said rival), but he avoids confessing his feelings to her for the same reason she does, ironically. His silence on another, more serious matter, also causes more misunderstandings, which shows that, even if it's to protect someone, it's still best to be honest with them. When these two silly geese finally do confess everything, it's truly heart-warming. I just wish we got to see their baby!