User Reviews For: The Guardian's Virgin Ward

Rachel Adams

Nope. Just nope. If you want the short version of whether you should read this or not then the answer should be no.If you want the long version, it would be that the story is that a man, almost in in his thirties, becomes the legal guardian of a 13 year old, doesn't bother to look after her at all, finally sees her after 10 years (when she's 23 and he's about 39), calls her a whore, sleeps with her, practically kidnaps her, decides to mould her into his ideal whatever-the-hell-he-thinks-she-should-be, manipulates and dictates everything about her life AND she just lets him, as though she had been conditioned to do so after 10 years of neglect from him and abuse from others. That there, dear people, are the hall markings or an abusive, dysfunctional relationship. Let's all say it together........No. You shall not pass. you'd be better off reading The Bridemaid's bet, which is brilliant and fun and funny and sweet and not like this at all.