User Reviews For: Day-care Pick Up [Plus Renta!-Only Bonus]


Storylines are amazing, well-drawn manga I know this is a good to a great manga because it pulled at my heartstrings and I started to cry ? so this is a really great manga props to the writer thank you for making this manga. ?????

Love this series! So excited to have a continuation! As always, the art a lovely and the story is such a great combo of feels and fun.

This story picks up right where we left off and I love it. The artwork is still the best and the relationship dynamic is on point and totally relatable. And the fact that they have the Littles all grown up and falling in love... swoon... I hope they make a full story on them and their growing love ?

Sooooo good! Thoughtful story telling with great character development, plus everything is consensual and adorable. Super recommend!!

the ART IS AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! ^-^ in general, the story is great and cute, but idk, the "Dont you Dare smile infront of anyone other than me!" is WAAAY over the top jealousy for me to think of it as being cute , i'm sorry, but this ruined it a lill for me....other than that, i LOVE it c:

This was really good, and I wanna read about Kana & Ritsu's older selves after that brief glimpse hehe

The continuation is amazing, although it is yet to be complete because I know there is more after this volume that I read online before. You won't be disappointed with where this goes so far but trust me you want the continuation. Please release it soon.