User Reviews For: Raveled Tightrope Knot [Plus Digital-Only Bonus]


Not so much awkward but more so remorseful. "Let the heartbreak begin.." Indeed, you definitely feel, see, almost taste their anguish. It quite endearing to see Natsuki and Haruomi struggle together, trying to make up for their mistakes. They both unexpectedly caught my heart. Story was well written and paced. Artwork's amazing, a bit stiff at times, but still amazing.

I love it! For a first manga, the mangaka is great! The emotions are captured well and the story is wonderful!! It is a complete story with a satisfactory ending!!

Although the (top) MC had some sadist tendencies, they didn't dive into it too much...seeing as (bottom)MC was kinda a masochist they could've explored that opportunity/possibility more...However, that being said, it was still a fantastic read. Had a great plot, there wasn't a lot of unnecessary smut( and by unnecessary I mean there weren't just random scenes of them bangin outta nowhere without context) and everything was well paced and the storyline made sense and was easy to relate to. Maybe not in the specifics of what the character's sexual proclivities are per say, but in the way that most of us have felt that we may not be "good enough" for the person we like, at one point in time in our lives. Or that we regret how we let a relationship fall apart or desperately desiring a second chance if the opportunity presents itself. It hits us in the feels cuz it feels like the MC's could easily be our friends or even ourselves, they are so relatable.

It was good, sweeter than I thought it would be, but still with some interesting story. I thought it would have kinkier stuff, given both the MC's tendencies, but there wasn't any. That was kinda missing. It would have been better with that. But still good fluff, smut, feelings, story. Pretty complete manga.

Oh my, it's actually sweeter than I thought! Both of them put up a front towards each other in the earlier chapters of the story, but they had their own reasons. The tension created between the MCs is amazing, but you can definitely see how natural their interactions are outside the tension parts.It's amazing that a one-volume manga offers a really good flow of story and I was able to catch up with the emotional aspects of it too.

This story was crazy, all they went through just to end up with each other away... I loved it, everything about this story! Maybe another side story but other than that cause I just want more

Natsuki rejected Haruomi when they were schoolmates due to being afraid of how dirty his mind is and wanting to do certain acts. Definitely feel the heartache in this story. Where we see two MLs have feelings for each other but wasted 10 years away not confessing their feelings.

So good. All the twists really pull at your heart and make you root for the two of them

First purchase and it did not disappoint. I love how the story is told and how it captures your attention page by page.