User Reviews For: That Unexpected Side to my Childhood Friend -Watch Out for the Animal in Him!-


this is a very cute story if you like childhood friends to lovers, which happens to be my favorite trope, so I really reccomend it if you like yo add mature romance to that formula. I really liked it and this is my readon I made a renta account lol

This such a cute manga (doesn't mind the spicy stuff) it's been so long since the last update is it still going? or has the creator dropped it?

Honestly one of the cutest mangas I've read. Really like the ML and FL chemistry. This comic isn't just about sex for sure, its got plenty of comedy that really makes the story way more interesting. Would wholly recommend, binged the entire thing in one sitting, really wish there was more!

Art is super top notch, and the panels flow really nicely. I loved the delinquent MC, shes adorable, but it felt out of place and boring to make her naive. The guy is borderline yandere, which I enjoyed. He beats up anyone who so much as looks at her tho, lol. Kinda wish there was more repercussion then slapstick anime, but its nice and light. The smiling-innocently-while-being-dominant is a great look, cheers.

Hoping the author sees this...When are we getting the next chapter? I'm suffering from extensive withdrawals and I might actually pass away from lack of literature from you! PLEASE!?

Can't wait for chapter 10 to release. I am really enjoying this one. Lots of spots that make me grin. Everything about it is great (art, story, smut, editing, etc)