User Reviews For: Royal Affair


Ivy and Max fall for each other very quickly and share a night of passion, before Ivy leaves the next morning to return to America and work. Over the next two months Max is busy dealing with a coup d'辿tat (having escaped assassination because he was with Ivy) orchestrated by people he loved and trusted. His distrust of love is understandable but unlike many of his trope, he doesn't turn into a jerk because of it and is still kind and considerate towards Ivy, it just takes him a while to realise and accept his feelings for her. Ivy is understandably upset that Max lied to her about his identity (though he was going to tell her in the morning before she left), but she still intended to tell him about the pregnancy and she doesn't push him away or act cold or bitter towards him, she just needs time to get to know him better and see if their relationship could work. I love how mature and sensible everyone is, though there's still plenty of humour. I loved it!