User Reviews For: Pregnant with the Prince's Child


This ended up being a lot more interesting than I thought. The story is full of mystery and intrigue, with added military and espionage plots, civil war, gangs and long lost royalty. You learn more and more of the full story of what's going on over time, from the truth about Mykal's accident, to the incident that drove the couple apart, and both of their incredibly interesting backgrounds, yet because the myriad of plot points all mesh together very well it never felt overwhelming or muddled, every new bit of info we learn fits into the grand scheme and nothing feels extraneous or pointless, unlike many stories with complicated plots. Basically there's a lot going on and it's all very complicated, but it all makes sense and fits together. The characters are just as interesting as the plot, with the two leads being very well developed, likable and mysterious, I always wanted to know more about them and was never disappointed with what I learned. Much deserved HEA!