User Reviews For: One Night, So Pregnant!


Treat this story as a comedy and don't take anything seriously. Both leads were rebellious teenagers with troubled childhoods and despite their adamant claims to the contrary, neither has grown up in the slightest. Both are incredibly childish and immature, to the point of hilarity, and I can't honestly say they improve that much by the end. They also don't so much fall in love as trip and faceplant into it, bickering and trying to angst all the while. Their kid's doomed. I feel kinda sorry for Nate's attorney (who's too old for this sh*t) and Tess's bff (who has her own baby to look after) for having to deal with these two adult babies' ridiculous bs, their stupidity-driven drama and their childish temper tantrums. Any attempt the story makes to introduce serious issues falls flat and feels so awkward I wish it wouldn't've bothered. I just have to laugh at this hot mess of a story or I'd face-palm myself to a concussion.