User Reviews For: The Black Prince Makes the Wolf Pant


I really like this so far! The characters are drawn beautifully, and its something different from the mangas I've read. They combined a rich heir with a feminine guy that you would usually see as an uke. I love a reversed role manga, and if you enjoy that too this might be it for you!

I read chapter two and decided to pass. The arts nice but the top straight up blackmails and forces the bottom (I hate that trope.) The bottom also does the whole "well I did it once by force but I like it now" suuuuper fast. Dunno, just was too sped up and the writing lackluster.

So at first I was expecting the whole thing to be pretty sadistic. But yeah!!! It turned into the sweetest love story. Don't want to spoil anything but it is definitely worth the read.

I loved how cute they were, and after the rough start how they supported each other. Art was lovely

Yes there is a lack of consent, but I really like how their affection grows. They have a really sweet and supportive relationship in the end. I do think this was a bit short though, as the story feels a bit rushed.

The story was told in a good pace; not too fast, not too slow. I was willing to hate Kanade right off the bat, but he showed levels of his humanity and on why he was the way he was, which was understandable.

Me encanto cuando el semen se hizo la víctima, me gusta mucho este manga.