User Reviews For: Fake Love -One Climax for Each Crime-


Holy Hades, is it super hot in here?! Somebody fetch me some water, surely I'm on fire... I need the next chapter like, yesterday. So, I wasn't super into this story off the hop, but it intrigued me, grew on me, and then I was addicted. Now I am desperate for more. First, the sex, and the sexiness, is on fire. I like S's, so for me, woah. Hooked. Second, I want to know what is gonna happen! It's a messy love triangle type thing, a foursome even, and I'm not sure who to root for! Aaaaaaand, there's a pile of mystery behind everyone that has me constantly nudging my inner detective to compile my ever changing theories, in between fanning myself of course. The characters are good, they have some weight to them, and the female lead is not a shy 'whoa is me type', which I appreciate. The guys...well, they are both hot in totally different ways, and I trust and distrust both of them. Cannot wait for the next chapter.