User Reviews For: Love Through Deception -An Omega Subdued By an Alpha-


A rare example of a really nasty, yet sexy plot. Too short, but I can't rate it high enough it for its rarity. If you're looking for a bitter yet tasty snack, please dig in.

I'm left unsatisfied. This feels like the beginning of a story and because it's marked completed, I guess the rest is left to the imagination. Like it feels a little like a tragedy. And so much is left to be told from here....

It doesn't feel finished that's why I have only given 4/5 stars. The plot was interesting and the art work was fantastic! How can the author decide that it's completed when the final panel clearly dictates that something happened with the two boys, and it begs the question 'is Asoke alright?' because that was a lot of blood on Takuma's knuckles!?!