User Reviews For: Dream of Falling in Love


This is the 3rd book in the Atsushi and Yoritomo series. I'm not quite as fond of this one as the rest, but I think that's just because there is *so* much cosplay in it. I do love the art and stories, as always. And I just adore the stories with the tsundere brother. And even though they aren't gay erotica, the Tanaka and Mr. Yamada stories always antertain me - as do the anthropomorphic snacks!

Erotica writer x Ex high school mates turned lovers.Yoritomo the writer is super pervertic but funny as a lover as he always fantasises about his lover in cosplay outfits. After reading this series jump onto the Author Ryusei series to read about the 2nd couple!Read them in this order!1) Unexpectedly Falling in Love2) Staying in Love3) Dream of Falling in Love4) Loving You Every Second5) Secretly Falling in Love