User Reviews For: Living Together with First-rate Men!? -My Childhood Friend Is a Perverted Animal-


4.1 out of 5

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Mrsmangame123 Rating
I like this! Masumi is a real firecracker she's got spunk. Annnnd I really love stories of reunited childhood friends. And to make it even better is that they both waited for each other!!!! So kawaii!!! Anyway this is crazy fast paced and has two good looking brothers living under one roof and are willing to take care of Masumi. Need a bit more backstory, but it's pretty much all laid out in this first chapter. More please!!!
Andromeda Rating
I am medium to low on this story so far. The art is good, though somehow kinda busy, seemingly cramming the smaller panels. The male lead is a bit like a wet mop so far; he has no real personality, no emotion, no substance. He is just a hot guy to make out with. The female lead has lots of personality and gumption, so that saves things, but I personally don't feel the chemistry between her and anyone. The smut is a bit lack luster because of this, it's short, and lacking fire compared to many other stories I have read.
ebookrenta03djm4vi3 Rating
Good artwork and steamy but there is so much wording crammed together in the panels and bubbles its difficult to follow and the male character all have terrible personalities. Its kinda sad how the female lead keeps getting molested by different men . Maybe some more introspective development and less molestation ?
ebookrenta08y1igfgt Rating
Masumi as the Female MC has serious fire in her heart while Satoru is great level headed male MC who has great love and loyaty for her. Their sex where she lets her guard down (submissive on bed type) is fiery.
Sittinadzra08 Rating
Yay! This is one of a great manga that ive ever read. The story and arts is really amazing the FMC's both Adorable and childhood loves is a big win win for meeee. Thank you sooo much renta sama. Stay safe and godblessed
yumyumRamen Rating
If your into childhood sweet heart story this is the one for you. The characters had pretty stolid personalities, you have female mc she is quite outgoing and is a hard worker despite being forced to live in poverty. While the Male mc is the opposite quite and soft spoken. The second male lead I'm guessing is the older brother who I hope doesn't fall in love with the female lead which I have a feeling it's going to go that route. To be honest I like his character much more than I thought I would lol and I don't want him to be heartbroken afterwards. Lol
Hamsooo Rating
Amazing story!!!The art is on another level jst splendidly done...loved it!!oh the guys are sooo handsome...I jst couldn't get enough them!!
Evanescence10293 Rating
I can't wait for the next update. I really want to know what did they promised to each other.
andiekae Rating
I've read the first four chapters and I like that this has a bit of a twist on the typical “girl is forced to move in with guy,” and the art is really nice! But the pacing just feels a bit weird, and I'm not sure it strikes a good balance of serious vs comedic for me. Worth giving a read to see if you like it, but just not my taste!
Bunnione Rating
Adore! Can't wait for the next chapter