User Reviews For: The Prefect's Private Garden


This has everything I like: drama, interesting characters, a relationship between an elite and a non-elite, and a boarding school setting. If you like these things, don't miss out on this manga.

This is such a masterpiece. I love everything from the atmosphere to the characters! Mioto is such a precious boy, kind and has character strength. Every chapter leaves with a desire to read the next chapter. So glad I found it, will continue to buy the chapters to know what happens next.I can recommend this to everyone who also loves reading Torikago Syndrome or Makai Ouji! Check it out, it's definitely worth your time and attention. ??

I really enjoy the story, couldn't stop reading. The plot is good, really twisted. Mioto and Tsukihito are totally grew up in different environments. As a love warming family that making Mioto more mature than his age. I can't wait to read the next chapters, really looking forward to seeing Mioto and Tsukihito relationships grow.

Ok. So just a few chapters back and I was actually tearing up for the first time with one of these BL love story mangas. I thought it was sweet how Tsukihito followed Mioto's life through Mioto's, Dad's stories to him, whom he met through his grandmother. Tsukihito loses his grandmother and Mom at the same time. Mioto has lost his parents as well. The rich prefect and the scholarship kid connect. Mioto is the only one that can really talk to Tsukihito. Then the ball prep happens. The Prefect from the other school finds Mioto. THAT NASTY GIRL! She tells Mioto to leave her fiancé alone and leave forever. Will he? Will he tell Tsukihito? Or one of the other guys who would tell him? Especially after pinky swears. Can't wait for more! CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THIS BEFORE! BINGE IN ONE NIGHT!