User Reviews For: My Raw Love Life with a Male Demon


What the heck?! Why is this so impossibly cute? I love love love when both parties have held on to their own unrequited love for one another. Kouen has kept the young heir Higure, to the shrine his family and ancestors have protected for years close to his heart and has watched him from afar. At the same time Higure has always thought back to their only encounter. What happens when Kouen goes searching for the boy he's gonna make his wife? Oh a bit of manipulation and a whole lotta goodness. Next chapter please!!! Loving this already. Arts great too!!!

I definitely loved the SMUT!! I can't say the storyline is good or bad. I'm still a little confused about that lol. Is there consent? Not at first (teasing?) Then yes, but only because being left high and dry sucks. I do love the art work and questionable personalities each of the characters have, but there is no flow to their interactions with each other AKA that escalated quickly. 3.5 stars from me

This is a quick, smutty read. The characters are a bit one dimensional but they have potential if given the chance. The story is written like a one-shot h****i where things tend to escalate quickly. Personally, I rented the series for 48hrs and it's good enough for me.

Sorry, I rented both chapters and gave it a shot but I really didn't enjoy this one. somehow its really popular so i suppose if you like fast pace smut with intense art then u might like it but to me, some of the faces and postures in the smut scenes were so exaggerated I felt uncomfortable looking at him. When he was just being his curious self, the demon was drawn beautifully and he was very cute, but the quality of the art in all the other characters was really inconsistent. I just hope people don't read this solely because of its popularity like I did, but instead take time to find the perfect manga on Renta for you, cos there are some gems here.

Art is great. Love the main boys. Their design is why I purchased this product. They're very sexy. I also like the story concept so far. My only gripe is that we go from their childhood to their adulthood really quickly. We don't get to see the build up of their desire for each other over the years which makes their coming together feel not as rewarding. It seems there will be more so hopefully the story can be more developed in the future. Looking forward to it! As well as the more steamy demon scenes.

It's a very adorable story of love at first meeting of a young human and demon, that grew as they got older. When reuniting their love is still intact if not had grown even stonger.