User Reviews For: Romano's Revenge

Rachel Adams

Burn it with fire!! Or, alternatively, don't spend your money on it. The preview looked interesting and it only took 2 more pages after the preview finished to go completely downhill. The FL is apparently a live-in chef, and, on her first day at work, after she's burnt the breakfast, her boss basically tries to force himself on her. This is pretty much the dynamic for the rest of the story - he's controlling and she falls for it because "he loves her!!" They also profess to be engaged within 6 hours of meeting and 'fall in love' after about a day. That isn't love and shouldn't be painted as such. That's just obsession with sex hormones thrown into the mix. Anyway, he's a crap human being and she's a 2 -D character who makes really poor decisions. Nothing about this was romantic and I wish I could have my money back on this one. Not recommended, other than for burning with fire.