User Reviews For: My Dearest Cop 3


Blessed with a third installment. :') thank you renta for giving the people what we want. I'm so happy to be with these two (and Chico) again.

I'm so happy to see this couple again. If you love fluff and smut with comedic overtones, you will love Seiji and Shin's romance; they're the sweetest. It's such a rarity to be able to follow a couple's journey this far?from awkward beginnings in vol 1 to domestic bliss in vol 2, and now to witness their relationship transcend to a whole new level of domestic nirvana in vol 3?simply put, I feel unworthy. We've reached an amazing point where the couple are mastering the right (and wrong) buttons to hit, and the results are both sexy and hilarious. I can't wait to read the rest of their antics in this volume. Thank you for the food, Niyama-sensei.

Yes yes yes THEY'RE BACK!!! I actually screamed when I saw on the schedule that a 3rd volume was coming out. My Dearest Cop series is my ALL TIME FAVORITE BL MANGA, I'm serious. And that first chapter just brings back all the feels of the previous 2 volumes. I just melt when I see Shin and Seiji together *sigh*, and it's so funny as always! Seiji's expressions kill me, I love it. I'm excited to see what the next chapters will include! Oh I'm so happy Niyama (mangaka god!) wrote more about them. I don't know how many times I've reread the first two volumes! One of the best BL mangas out there. 10 stars! (hehe)

I love Shin and Seiji so much. Their adventures are sweet and sexy and the art is always fantastic.

This series is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! It's funny, sexy, funny. I love how the author is able to make them feel like a normal couple. Totally relatable. And I die with laughter each time I read it. I've read 1 & 2 so many times and now I can't wait to read this just as much.

My favorite series. I love this couple so much. Watching them grow as a couple and lets not forget the amazing scenes ;))

Love this series, Niyama gives it all with great art and story (and jokes!). I can never get bored of Shin and Seiji's antics, and this new installment spices things up perfectly! You'll definitely want to read this if you love the other "My Dearest Cop" issues! The whole series is definitely a must-read!

I love this series so much. It has the perfect amount of fluff and smut. I adore the couple and their silly antics. It's so cute and fluffy. I can't even describe it, the two of them just make me so happy. They're a couple of guys in love, and their domestic life reflects their humor and bond. I adore them.

Fantastic! I love this two so much??Niyama sensei works is always beutiful! i'm looking forward to buy the vol.3 in book version!