User Reviews For: Living Together with a Younger Rich Boy -Every Night Is Just Too Much!!-


Ms. The cops are on their way! Anyways, I loved the first chapter already. Why can't we get 2 updates weekly? Gosh I'm so impatient.

I'm not very picky about heroines. I'm usually in their corner by default even when they're not very relatable, but Tsukiko really clicks with me, from her taste in men to her personal philosophy of striving for her highest potential. She's prideful, but self aware, and actually way more caring and sentimental than she likes to let on. The male protag Pyonkichi is the definition of a dreamboat. He's gentle yet passionate, competent and intelligent, and though Tsukiko may run his patience a little thin at times he's always kind. I must say that something goes down around chapter 19 involving a side character I despise that made me consider dropping it, but I love this couple too much. I just hope the author doesn't feel the need to traumatize Tsukiko of Pyon anymore than that. Like the author's other title the art isn't perfect, but it's nice enough and I've been regularly impressed with the rendering of Tsukiko's wardrobe as well as the art upgrade starting around chapter 24.