User Reviews For: Rock Your World!


IT good~. And don't misunderstand. It not about Hakuba x Hinata. It Hinata X Takaomi

Absolutely love it! Story is great, characters are interesting, artwork is gorgeous, tension is high; you have to read these! PERIOD! You're gonna love it! Can't wait for more in the series!!

so this is the most excited I've been over a story in a while. final verdict: a supremely eloquent WOW. I'm kinda torn though because it's now completed and on one hand I like that it wasn't drawn out and melodramatic with increasingly absurd arcs but on the other hand I didn't want it to end!?! because the characters are so wonderful and the art is just fantastic?!? and while reading I kept making these little excited "eeeeeee!" noises (but in my head so I didn't wake up my roommate because I'm not a complete jackass), so, uh, yeah. get it, read it, love it.

I couldn't wait any longer so I went and bought the JP version! I greatly enjoyed reading this!! I really, really love Takaomi~ He may seem cold and behaved like a jerk sometimes to Hina but Takaomi truly cares about Hina with all his heart. Glad the story didn't go the cliche way and I love how he restrains himself and doesn't rush things where they could have just done the deed and be done with it. I appreciate Takaomi's maturity and coolheadedness throughout.I need a sequel asap!!

this is truly amazing so far. perfectly logical end to feelings and starting something new with someone new

What I love about this manga is it will take expected tropes (experienced top/naive bottom, jealousy, etc.) and puts a new spin on them. When you see the set up coming, you expect it to play out like so many others, and in aspects it does, but then there's just a slightly different flavor to the emotions or the reactions that create a more realistic, and balanced reaction. Very lovely story.

I'm loving it so far, tho there are only two chapters released. I already like the main characters. In particular the black haired one since he seems to be cold-tempered, but kinda twisted as well which I really can relate too. lol. I'm looking forward seeing more of this! Btw Great art style.

Oh my God I LOVE this!! I have a big dumb smile on my face haha! My bottom boy is taller than me so I find it funny that the bottom (Hinata) is on the taller side too. Takaomi is a fun-jerky-sweetheart and helping Hinata get over a heart break and that's so sweeeet~!